Fibromyalgia: Is There Anything You Can Do?
Do you or someone you know have fibromyalgia? If you do, then let us be the first to tell you that everything can be managed. If you don’t, please take the time to read this week’s newsletter so that you can be aware if you cross paths with a fibromyalgia. This week, we will discuss what fibromyalgia is, and how you can manage it.
What is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a widespread musculoskeletal disorder that chronically makes a patient feel achy, tender, sore, fatigued and have cognitive difficulties. Patients are also prone to tension headaches and TMJ issues. Fibromyalgia is said to be caused by genetics, some infections and physical trauma, however, there is generally an unknown cause of why patients get fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is diagnosed by receiving a test of 18 different trigger points along the body, where in current literature, 11 of 18 of those points must be positive.
Why is There a Cognitive Component?
Fibromyalgia patients tend to have a symptom commonly referred to as “fibro fog” that impairs the ability to focus, pay attention and concentrate on mental tasks. These patients are in so much pain that they may lose the perception of their surroundings, have lack of sleep and could lead to depression. It is a doctor’s job to assist and help each patient to the best of their ability.
How Can You Manage Fibromyalgia?
Unfortunately, there is no current treatment for fibromyalgia, however, there are management options for patients to take. Some patients take the medication route. This does work for many patients, but like we have stated in the past, drugs are only inhibiting the nervous system from properly healing as well as damages internal organs after prolong use. Physical therapy is a good option as it can teach you exercises that will improve your strength, flexibility and stamina. Water-based exercises might be particularly helpful. Occupational therapy is another good option as it can help you make adjustments to your work area or the way you perform certain tasks that will cause less stress on your body. One management option that may shock you is a psychiatrist. A lot of patients become very depressed because they are constantly pain. A psychiatrist will help manage stress levels and will give different exercises to help clear the mind, allowing the nervous system to be in a more relaxed state. Another good option is SURPRISE, SURPRISE…CHIROPRACTIC! Getting adjusted and doing muscle relaxation techniques will help the nervous system to regulate back to normal levels easing the pain that a fibromyalgia patient would typically feel. At our office, we have treated long time sufferers with fibromyalgia that have successfully been able to manage their pain and keep their nervous system at a regulated state. A fibromyalgia patient is a lifelong patient to help assure they stay equally balanced and life a normal life. Please do not be afraid to ask questions about your condition or anyone you know who may have it. WE ARE HERE TO HELP!