Mount Pleasant Chiropractor
Wilkins Spinal Care
About Wilkins Spinal Care
As a Mount Pleasant Chiropractor, our clinic was founded on two small principles, treat everyone the way we would want to be treated and we are no better than anyone else and no one else is any better than us. We service the towns of Mount Pleasant, Connellsville, Donegal, Greensburg, Latrobe, Ligonier and Uniontown and have for the past 44 years.
What I shall be speaking about is what we treat in the way of symptoms and exactly how we treat it! As a Mount Pleasant Chiropractor, Wilkins Spinal Care has 3 groups of patients we treat, in essence, 3 practices.
- Chiropractic patients with musculoskeletal problems
- Neuropathy patients- who usually have Neuropathy in legs.
- Decompression patients- who could have herniated or bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, Spinal Stenosis, Facet Syndrome, numbness and tingling of the arms and legs, Sciatic pain, failed neck or back surgery and low back or neck pain of any kind. I will go in to detail with all 3 of the practices, Both in what the symptoms are, and how we would treat. The first would be chiropractic patients, we have been treating Chiropractic patients for 44 years. Some of the common symptoms would be:
- Pain - this could be in any part of your body such as neck, hands, arms, finger's, chest, between shoulder blades, hips, low back, pelvis, legs and feet.
With what I've just mentioned, you could also have other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, burning sensation, headaches, dizziness, loss of strength in hands, arms, fingers, legs and feet, ringing in the ears and blurring vision just to name a few. How we would treat those symptoms is with chiropractic care and some physical modalities such as muscle stimulation, ultrasound and maybe a conventional traction table or the Hako-med. The system we use is called the Pierce Method. All of our adjustments would be done with the help of a chiropractic adjusting table so there is no pain or discomfort to the patient. There is no twisting, cracking or popping of the patient and absolutely everything is explained to the patient before we do it. We also incorporate rehabilitation for weak muscles or muscles that are not working in sync with the rest of the body, also this usually prevents future flair-ups.
A very interesting fact at our chiropractic office is we have a machine called a Videofluoroscopy x-ray machine that allows us to actually see the neck (cervical spine) move forward and backward and side to side, rotate or whatever we need to locate the problem. We also find it's great at looking at elbows, wrists, knees ect. It's great to be able to see them in movement.
Another machine we have is called a Hako-med that uses horizontal therapy, which has set out to increase the known therapeutic effects of electro-medicine for better treatment results. This was achieved through the combination of specific bioelectric effects and specific biochemical effects in the same treatment area at the same time. It’s the only thing I know that will do that.
Decompression is the second group of patients we treat. We have been doing this for 15 years with a very high success rate and with a fantastic satisfaction rate. Conditions we treat with axial decompression are bulging discs, herniated discs, failed neck or back surgery, sciatic pain, degenerative discs, spinal stenosis, facet syndrome, numbness and tingling of the arms and legs and low back or neck pain of any kind. Vye use special tables made exactly for treating the conditions above. We also incorporate chiropractic care if it's needed and we do a lot of work with nutrition to aid the disc and get rid of a great deal of inflammation. One of the many things our patients say that have tried everything including surgery is, "finally, they have their lives back". Not being limited to a very sedentary life and being able to do things without severe pain attacking their every move. Our office has 3 tables that will treat low back conditions and one that will treat neck problems. The reason is 80% of all disc herniation are low back and 20% are neck herniation or bulges. A very Interesting thing about decompression is that it's not a procedure developed by the chiropractic profession, it was developed by the medical profession. The doctor that developed the first decompression table was Dr. Allen Dyer, who if I'm not mistaken; was the Deputy Secretary of health in Canada at the time, the table was called the Vax-D. All of Dr. Dyers work came to the U.5.A years later and a Neurologist by the name of Dr.Norman Shealy changed some of the procedures and placement of the patient and called his procedures D.R.S. Our clinic uses the D.R.S protocol to help our patients.
Also, we have added to the protocol because we will adjust the patients with chiropractic adjustments and we also use nutritional products and we will do rehabilitation to build up the weakened muscles.
Neuropathy is the third group of patients we work with. This work is relatively new in our clinic, we've only been doing it for 3 years. Even though it is a very hard symptom to deal with, we have never had a neuropathy patient that we haven't helped. That doesn't mean that we cured them and they have no pain although we have patients that we did, it means they can walk without assistance and they can finally feel their feet and their blood tests keep getting better and better. Don't tell your P.C.P but your blood tests can be changed with nutrition directed in accordance with what caused the patients Neuropathy. There are a great many causes of Neuropathy, 1 will list some of the most common ones for you:
- Diabetes, physical trauma, infection, repetitive injury, lack of proper nutrition growing up or now, ischemic, hepatic (liver).
I would like you to guess what some of the drugs that cause neuropathy are: chemotherapy, statin drugs (cholesterol), cardiac drugs, antibiotics and antivirals.
The largest cause of neuropathy by far is diabetes. 50% of the people who have neuropathy have diabetes where it is known as diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy patients have very little in the way of treatment by thfr-fftedical profession. Mostly, they try and use drugs to help with the pain and numbness which may give the 'patient some symptomatic relief but does nothing to treat the neuropathy.
In order to treat the neuropathy you must get to the cause of the neuropathy, meaning; what caused the neuropathy in the first place. If it was a toxin, trauma, nutrition or diabetes, what actually caused the neuropathy originally. That's what we have to determine at our office in order to come up with a treatment plan. With all those meds, they are only trying to control the pain, a symptom of neuropathy, it does nothing to correct the cause of your neuropathy. The pain meds reduce the pain but they allow the numbness and tingling to get worse because the disease is still progressing. At our office we are not trying to control your symptoms, we want to correct the cause of your neuropathy.
There is a lot of tools we use to treat the neuropathy patient: rebuilder, hock-med, decompression table, exercise, nutrition, chiropractic and the use of some modalities such as muscle stim, traction, ultrasound, and light therapy. As I've said with neuropathy, it's about finding the cause of the disease. Then you can put together a treatment plan for that person. As a Mount Pleasant Chiropractor, one of the last things I'll tell you is the promise we make every new patient, and that's after we examine you thoroughly. "If we can help you we'll let you know, if we can't help you, we'll let you know and then get you to a doctor who can". If you have any questions send me an e-mail at and I'll try and answer your questions. You don't have to live with pain!!
Are you experiencing pain?
We would love to help you!
Wilkins Spinal Care is your Mount Pleasent Chiropractor. We offer spinal care, lower back and neck pain relief. We specialize in spinal decompression and neuropathy treatments. Our non-surgical treatments can help a wide variety of what may be causing you pain and discomfort. We locate the source of your pain and apply our non-surgical, drug-free and painless therapy, taking pressure off the spinal discs and easing discomfort.
Office Hours
- Monday: 8AM - 12PM
- Tuesday: 1PM - 5:30PM
- Wednesday: 8AM - 12PM
- Thursday: 1PM - 5:30PM
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 9AM - 10:30AM
- Sunday: 9AM - 10:30AM

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